
10 Fun Games to Play on an Airplane

Airplane journeys can sometimes feel long and monotonous, especially during extended flights. However, with a little creativity and some fun games, you can turn your flying time into an enjoyable experience. In this blog post, we'll share ten entertaining games to play on an airplane that will help you pass the time and make your journey fly by.  Travel Trivia: Test your knowledge and challenge your fellow passengers to a round of travel trivia. Prepare some travel-related questions in advance or use a trivia app on your phone. Take turns asking questions and award points for correct answers. It's a fantastic way to learn interesting facts while having fun. Storytelling Relay: Start a collaborative storytelling game by initiating a story with a few sentences. Each player takes turns adding to the story, building on what the previous person said. The goal is to create a unique and engaging tale. This game can lead to hilarious and imaginative stories that keep everyone entertai